My blog buddy

Welcome. Today I come with a slightly different post. I would like to introduce you to my blog buddy. Meet Klaudia! 

She comes from Poland and she have 19 years old. We both come from the same city - Radom. She also attends the same university as me and she studying English language with French. Her greatest passion is playing volleyball. She is a cheerful and open person. Below I am attaching a link to her blog.


  1. God work on your blog buddy now please add all the posts you should have on sequential images from last week and start adding the advert work for this week - thanks Zoe

  2. I am concerned now that your blog contains no work from week one and two from classes in week one and two. You need to add your work as you are now very behind. If you did not understand please rewatch the classes and reread all the course materials.


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