The final result

 This is the final result of my sequential images:

Love gesture (2020) by Magdalena Maria Baczek


I believe that I managed to do what I planned. In my opinion, I chose a difficult topic, because the topic of love. After all, it means something different for each of us. My main goal was to show that we can express it not only with words. And since words in these days are depreciating especially the phrase "I love you", which we use so easily now, I decided to show that we can also use gestures. So I used my fingers, which showed what I wanted to convey in a universal way. I think I certainly could have done better. If I had a good camera, the effect would be even better. Despite everything, however, I am very pleased. When I look at my work, I feel I can ask myself: Do I need words to convey my love to someone?


  1. Good that you have shown your final sequence and you put this together well


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