Testing software program for my sign off project

In today's post I would like to show you the process of testing the perfect software program for my project.

First I will start with https://www.lucidpress.com/pages/. After logging in, you will notice a lot of browsing a category. For my sign off project, I chose an article about Coco Chanel that's why I chose the magazine option. After all, it is the newspapers that most often find all kinds of articles. I will also be able to post photos to make my work seem more polished.

After selecting a magazine, a ton of templates appeared to me. I chose one of them and started testing it. This program seems incredibly easy to use. What I really like is the option to add or subtract pages. It is also commendable that I can edit and rework everything as I like.

First, I started by trying to change the background. So I downloaded a sample photo from unsplash related to fashion and started editing the cover, for example. I quickly came up with a name for the magazine and changed the texts and tested various options. 

I have noticed there is a logo in the lower left corner of the magazine cover. I will make my own for my future project. However, now I have decided to download some ready. For this purpose, I used one of the options and downloaded a random one that was free to download and use.

Then I decided to try to edit another page. I started by renaming the header. I also changed the color and font. Then I quickly wrote her biography. I also changed the color of the text and the tuft. I also decided to add a background photo that I downloaded from Unsplash. Then I continued to edit the finished template. 


The test of this software was very positive in my opinion. I had no major problems with anything because everything was very easy to use. I also like the ready-made templates, which can be personalized in many ways without much effort. I'm sure I will use this software for my sign off project as it works very well.

Thanks to this trial test, I already know what I want my project to look like. I already have an outline in my head. Now all I need to do is finish writing the full article and do my research, and also find the photos I want. Of course, I will report the whole process here on the blog.


  1. I am hoping that these is unfinished as it is a good start but needs more with a finished experiment and reflection


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