Reflections on my project

 At the very beginning, I had a problem figuring out what my project should be. Fortunately, I chose to write an article about one of the fashion designers. So I chose Coco Chanel because I think she is an interesting person. Creating the project itself took a lot of time. I had to not only do a lot of research, but also learn to write articles. Planning how it should all look like was also an important part. It was not all easy. However, I can say that I had a great time.

The end result of my project turned out to be better than I thought. I am really delighted with my article. I made all its aesthetics and disagne with great care. Maybe there will be some things I could improve, but I'm satisfied with how it turned out. I think if I had devoted more time, I could definitely say that my article is perfect. 

All this work, however, allowed me to improve my writing skills, but not only. I definitely released my creativity and improved my research skills. I am proud to present my project to my future employer. I hope others will like it as much as I do.
