20 ideas in 20 minutes
Recently, during the lesson, we got a challenge to come up with 20 ideas in 20 minutes. It was not an easy task and most of the ideas I came up with now seem poor and underdeveloped. However, there are a few that are worth noting. Above all, the most ideas come from writing an essay on some important topic, because that's the most related to the journalism that I'm studying. Most of the topics I have invented raise important issues. I think I am happy with what I have managed to come up with.
Now I can see that my topics were mostly focused on the current world situation (the coronavirus pandemic) and the influence of the media in various fields. I think I found them, because they are the closest to me now. To sum up, such a 20-minute brainstorming session is a really good experience to trigger creativity.
Good work - well done