Media: SMART Objective

 This week I will develop my project according to: 

S - Specific - Don’t be vague be very specific about exactly what you want to do

M - Measurable - your ideas can be critically measured through meeting assessment criteria and through meeting your original objective

A - Achievable - that the idea can actually be achieved

R - Realistic/Relevant - What is the point of doing this?  Why is it important? Also is it realistic in the time given and skills you need to achieve this

T - Time Orientated - Can it be achieved in the time given?

I want to write an article for 1000 or more words about female journalists and how they are treated and what difficulties they face mainly focusing on Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. I am going to approach this topic in a critical way and clearly assess what it looks like. This topic is important because it touches on the current problems that women journalists still have to fight. As a future journalist, I am also want to be aware of the difficulties I will face. It will not be an easy task, but if I am organized, I will be able to finish this project. Doing this project will not only help me improve my writing skills, but will also show that I can be a journalist in the future who is not afraid to tackle heavy topics. I will use Word Office to write and then change my work to a flipbook. I will post my final project on my website. I have until March 17, 2021 to complete this project.

Target Audience: adults (25-44)


  1. Good - we have discussed this in class and this should be a good article and there is much research available - do think about your target audience and who you are aiming at when you write this - see you in sign off!

  2. We have signed this off please post your project sign off and project plan


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