Media Project Sign Off

I recently signed my sign off project - Magdalena Baczek - project sign off. It will be about, as I wrote in previous posts, women journalists and the difficulties they face.

Yvonne Ridley (born April 23, 1958) is a British journalist who served as chairman of the National Council of the now defunct Respect Party. She was captured by the Taliban in 2001, crossing the border without any documents, disguised as an Afghan woman. A captive journalist kept a diary. She wrote her notes surreptitiously on the soap wrapper. When the attack on Afghanistan began on Sunday, two Taliban entered her cell to remove hand grenade launchers from under the journalist's bed. Yvonne Ridley was not mistreated, but interrogations and questions about who she was and what she was doing in Afghanistan lasted several hours a day. The journalist decided to start a hunger strike, but only after she was not allowed to call a representative of the British authorities. Most during her 11-day captivity, the journalist feared that one day all traces of her would simply disappear and she would never see her 9-year-old daughter again. In an interview, Ridley reiterated that her secret entry into Afghanistan was not a reckless search for journalistic fame - she did so because she really wanted to find out what ordinary Afghans think.

References: 2003. BBC Inside Out - Yvonne Ridley. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 February 2021]


  1. Good that you have now posted this but this should have been [posted weeks ago

  2. It is now week nine and you have very few posts and no project work - you need to add urgently to this blog if you want to pass this module

  3. You now are days away from assessment and you have very few posts here - you need to add to this urgently


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