Wix website

In this post, I would like to take a look at the website of my colleague in college. In this post, I will try to critically evaluate and check if his website is working properly. I will also discuss the issue of disagne. If I succeed, I will also write about grammatical errors, although I'm not very good at it. My English still needs a lot of work.

Let me start with the design issue. The Matas website is clear and legible. I like the whole look very much. On the plus side there are also photos that I think are professional. The only thing I can stick to is the top header. "Matas Kirslys" and "aspiring writer" are written in two different fonts. In my opinion, it would be better if they were written one and the same.

When it comes to functionality, I have nothing to complain about. Everything runs smoothly. Only, I would suggest hiding the feedback tab because in my opinion it is not needed.

I also miss some brief explanations of Matas's projects. So that everyone knows for what purpose and what they refer to. Besides, I have nothing else to write. I really like the Matas website and I encourage you to check it out - https://kirslysmatas95.wixsite.com/mysite
